Thank you to Grace Hill Media for inviting my husband and me to an early screening of The Miracle Season. The only compensation I’ve received for this review is the complimentary movie tickets. All opinions are my own. I am not a big sports person. Aside from the occasional baseball game or Olympics competition, sports just don’t interest me. At all. But I’m a sucker for inspirational sports films. The Mighty Ducks Remember the Titans A League of Their Own…Continue Reading
27 Encouraging Bible Verses for Singles
As a married woman, I normally write about marriage for Christian women. But I was single once. In fact, I married my first boyfriend! So while I don’t have much dating experience at all, I do still remember my years as a single Christian woman. I could have used this list of encouraging Bible verses for singles. When I was younger, I often felt discouraged as a single Christian woman. Growing up in South Carolina, I felt a lot of…Continue Reading
14 Ways to Love and Respect Your Spouse
Any strong marriage is based on mutual love and respect. These are not gendered qualities that only one person needs! Husbands and wives both need love and respect from each other. (Just ask a happily married same-sex couple!) Yes, Ephesians 5 tells wives to respect their husbands, and husbands to love their wives. However, that doesn’t mean husbands shouldn’t respect their wives, and wives shouldn’t love their husbands! Both traits are key to a healthy marriage. Mutual Love and Respect…Continue Reading
On Rejoicing, Weeping, and Feeling Too Much
A friend of mine posted to Facebook to share an example of sexism she recently experienced as a mother. She asked if it was okay to feel upset about the incident. Most of the comments all affirmed her upset feelings. Others did not. In fact, those dissenting comments all told her: you’re overreacting just like all other parents overreact over something you need to be grateful you even have a child it’s not fair to accuse that person of sexism…Continue Reading