Over the last few years, I’ve become more interested in sustainability. If you’re not familiar with sustainability, I just googled it and found this definition: avoidance of the depletion of natural resources in order to maintain an ecological balance Sustainability is basically the latest “green” buzzword among people who care about the environment. My interest in sustainability stems from my gut instinct that caring about the environment is the right thing to do. Recently I’ve been thinking about the environment…Continue Reading
31 Days of Prayer to Cultivate Gratitude
I began my blog series on 31 Days of Prayer back in 2017. At the time, I had the best of intentions to continue this series every few months. Alas, I only wrote two blog posts focused on 31 Days of Prayer. However, I want to return to a consistent blogging schedule here. Because I am so grateful for the Christian women who still follow this little blog, I’ve put together prayer prompts on gratitude! These prayer prompts will help…Continue Reading
27+ Bible Verses for Valentine’s Day
Valentine’s Day can be a complicated holiday. If you’re single, Valentine’s Day is either a painful reminder of loneliness OR it’s a fun excuse to celebrate with your gal pals. If you’re in a relationship, Valentine’s Day is either an opportunity for romance OR a lot of pressure to spend money. But Valentine’s Day doesn’t need to be a stressful occasion. Especially if you’re a Christian woman, you can turn to God. Of course, Christians should always turn to God!…Continue Reading
6 Questions Christians Should Ask Before Posting Online
How do people know you’re a Christian? Certainly, I call myself a Christian. I attend church, although not nearly as often as I should. I share prayer requests with Christian friends, and I respond to prayer requests from friends. But people should know I’m a Christian through much more than my most obvious Christian actions. Do I act like a Christian in all my words and deeds? Do I act like a Christian online? I fail daily to live up…Continue Reading