With a relatively early Easter for 2021 (April 4th or May 2nd), and the pandemic still an ongoing issue, I feel quite unprepared for Holy Week. Normally I love Holy Week, from the joy of Palm Sunday to the sorrow of Maundy Thursday and Good Friday. When I truly allow myself to think and to feel about the events leading up to the Resurrection, my soul is better prepared to rejoice on Easter Sunday. As I write this briefly before…Continue Reading
What is Holy Week? A Brief Overview
In Christian tradition, Holy Week begins on Palm Sunday and goes through Easter Sunday, also known as Resurrection Sunday. This is a reverent time for Christians to contemplate the life, death, and resurrection of our savior, Jesus Christ. Looking to learn more about the Lenten season? Check out these other posts! The Meaning Ash Wednesday A Catholic Perspective on the Annunciation Scripture Readings for Holy Week These scripture readings come from the Revised Common Lectionary. A lectionary is a list…Continue Reading
Christ-Centered Easter Basket Ideas
Easter is coming early in 2021, with most Christians celebrating on Sunday, April 4th. (Orthodox Easter is May 2nd this year). While Easter baskets are a fun secular tradition adopted by many Christian families, you can still put together a Christ-centered Easter basket. Only a few Easter basket gifts from my childhood stand out to me as an adult. When I was 9, my family hosted friends (a mother and her daughter) over Easter weekend. The mother added a few…Continue Reading
31 Days of Powerful Prayer for Leaders
Prayer is an incredibly powerful tool for Christians. It’s an opportunity to speak honestly with God. While personal prayer will often be about your own life, we should also pray for others, and not just our loved ones. Leaders need the collective prayers of Christians. And 1 Timothy 2: 1-4 pretty clearly outlines our Christian duty to pray for leaders! If you’re not sure where to start, that’s okay. Praying for leaders doesn’t need to be a difficult task, or…Continue Reading